Thursday, February 24, 2011

chapter 7

1. Describe your earliest memory of going to a movie. Do some research and compare this with a parent's or grandparent's earliest memory. Compare the different experiences. The earliest memory that i have of going to the movies are when i was in middle school when my parents would drop me and my friends off a the mall. We used to go to the movies every weekend with a bunch of friends. I asked my parents what their experience was like and most of their movie theaters were drive in movies. They also would go to a gym which is now like the hickory theater but would only play one movie. Also before that movie there would be two cartoons that would play then the main movie picture would show after.

2. Do you remember seeing a movie you were not allowed to see? Discuss the experience. The movie that stands out to me the most that i was not supposed to see would be Predator. I was at my friends house when i was in 6th grade and it had come on HBO one night and me and my friend watched even though we knew that we weren't suppose to. My parents ended up finding out, they didn't get to mad just reminded me what we should say and what we shouldn't say as far as language. So my experience with this situation in all was not a bad experience just got reinforced what was the right thing to do and what they wrong thing to do is.

3. How often do you go to movie theaters today? How often do you play DVD's on at television at home, or watch movies on a computer? Which experience do you prefer and why?
Today i do not go to the movies very often any more. One because of the price and two because now it is just easier to stay home or go rent it with all of the new technology they have today. I play DVD's every night to go to sleep to. I watch movies all the time and have a stack of DVD's in my room.I although do both i put DVD's in my computer and i also go on websites that play movies that i do not have at home. The experience that i prefer is to watch DVD's on television. I find it to be easier to watch it on T.V, plus you can be more relaxed than you are in movie theaters.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

chapter 6

1. How many cable channels do you watch regularly? What programs do you watch? What attracts you to a certain channel?- I really do not watch T.V. that much i usually only watch it the most two hours a day. When i do watch it though the normal amount of cable channels are i watch regularly are about 4 to 5. The programs that i watch regularly ESPN, ESPN2, ESPNU, A&E,TV Land, CBS and TBS. I usually like to watch ESPN and CBS channels is because i love sports and that is all that is on that channel. The shows that i watch on A&E are Criminal minds and First 48. I pretty much like everything on TV Land from Andy Griffith to I Love Lucy. I usually only watch TBS when the braves game is on so therefore it relates back to sports. What attracts me to these channels again is i love sports and anything to do with mystery or crime, and as for TV Land i just like the old shows.

4. CNN and MTV have changed our society as well as the global culture. Have these changes been positive or negative? Explain.

I believe that they have both changed the society in good and bad ways. Although i think that CNN has influenced the society in more of a good way than MTV has. CNN allows the U.S. to view what not only is going on in our country but a lot of other countries as well. They are able to see live broadcast of governmental issues being discussed and what is going to be done about certain problems get government has. With MTV i believe that it has been more of a negative change than a positive change. On MTV they show a lot more reality shows than any other station. By saying that they reality shows they show promote a lot of drinking and other provocative situations not suitable for kids. Again then again it does promote some shows like Teen Mom which shows how hard it is to have a kid when you are a teenager. Maybe shows like that will actually help out teens in scaring them into not wanting to have sex until they are married or at least able to financially take care of their kids.

6. Some Critics argue that citizens no longer participate in traditional neighborhood activities and that cable has played a role in fragmenting society keeping us in our homes. Do you agree or disagree? What has cable done well, and in what ways has it adversely affected society? I do not agree with the statement that citizens no longer participate in traditional neighborhood activities. Just because cable has came out it doesn't force anyone to stay in there homes. It is still the person choice whether they want to go out or stay in and watch T.V. I probably only watch one to two hours of T.V. a day so i believe that cable has nothing to do with it. If your parents let you watch a lot of T.V. when you were a kid and didn't make you do any physical activity's then i think that has a bigger part in citizens staying in their homes and not going out. Cable has done well in created all sorts of shows for all sorts of people in the United states. Then again cable has adversely affect the society by some of the shows that they allow to come on their channels.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

chapter 5

2. How much T.V. do you watch today? Which programs do you try to watch regularly? What attracts you to your favorite programs? - When i watch T.V it is most of the time in the mornings or the afternoons. I probably watch about five or six hours of T.V. a day. The shows that i watch regularly are ESPN, Criminal Minds, and different movies at night. Mostly every-night i like to fall asleep with my T.V. on, and it is usually Andy Griffith that is playing. What attracts me to ESPN is just sports i love to watch sports and if i missed a game there is no other show to watch better than ESPN. I love mystery movies and shows and that is what attracts me to watch Criminal Minds. Andy Griffith is a classic and i have grown up watching it my whole life.

3. If you were a network television executive, what changes would you try to make in the programs that America watches?- If i was an executive at a television network i would first take a lot of the reality shows and soaps off the air. I feel that some women that watch the shows get so wrapped up in these shows that they do not know what it real and what isn't. I would also take shows like Jersey shore and Bad Girls Club off the air. All these shows are is girls going out partying and drinking every night, and they are making it look like it is so cool. They are not showing some of the consequences if something where to go wrong. I believe that it is giving the teenage girls the wrong impression on drinking and hanging out with friends. Most of the time when they are drinking they are not drinking responsible and that sets bad examples for teens today.

5. How could T.V. be used to improve social and political life in the United States?- There are many different ways that T.V. can improve social and political life. Since almost every American home has a T.V. in their house i think the best way to reach people about political and social issues would be through T.V. You can let people what is exactly going on with the political world in America. I know if it wasn't for a T.V. i would have no clue what is going on in the world, especially when presidents talk or have their State Of the Union Address. It would also help to let people know if something is true and not just a rumor in dealing with laws and when they are passed, or what is going on with the new health care plans. Social improvement can be useful in letting the citizens of the United States what exactly is going on with certain American issues such as our involvement in the Egypt crisis.