Thursday, February 24, 2011

chapter 7

1. Describe your earliest memory of going to a movie. Do some research and compare this with a parent's or grandparent's earliest memory. Compare the different experiences. The earliest memory that i have of going to the movies are when i was in middle school when my parents would drop me and my friends off a the mall. We used to go to the movies every weekend with a bunch of friends. I asked my parents what their experience was like and most of their movie theaters were drive in movies. They also would go to a gym which is now like the hickory theater but would only play one movie. Also before that movie there would be two cartoons that would play then the main movie picture would show after.

2. Do you remember seeing a movie you were not allowed to see? Discuss the experience. The movie that stands out to me the most that i was not supposed to see would be Predator. I was at my friends house when i was in 6th grade and it had come on HBO one night and me and my friend watched even though we knew that we weren't suppose to. My parents ended up finding out, they didn't get to mad just reminded me what we should say and what we shouldn't say as far as language. So my experience with this situation in all was not a bad experience just got reinforced what was the right thing to do and what they wrong thing to do is.

3. How often do you go to movie theaters today? How often do you play DVD's on at television at home, or watch movies on a computer? Which experience do you prefer and why?
Today i do not go to the movies very often any more. One because of the price and two because now it is just easier to stay home or go rent it with all of the new technology they have today. I play DVD's every night to go to sleep to. I watch movies all the time and have a stack of DVD's in my room.I although do both i put DVD's in my computer and i also go on websites that play movies that i do not have at home. The experience that i prefer is to watch DVD's on television. I find it to be easier to watch it on T.V, plus you can be more relaxed than you are in movie theaters.

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