Thursday, March 3, 2011

chapter 8

1. What kind of stories, topics, or issues are not being covered well by mainstream papers?
When a newspaper writes a story i believe most of the time they get to choose their topic which makes them bias as to which topic they want to write about. Some examples of stories they don't write about much in the newspapers are stories on steroids in baseball, also certain situations dealing with the environment and the U.S. government. Although they do put some information about U.S. government they do not elaborate on it at all, they just put the jest of situation. I believe that the newspaper is very bias as to who writes it. If they do not want to write about a topic most of the time they do not have too. The local papers will write more on what is going on in the town and the big city newspapers like the Charlotte Observer write more on what is going around in the United States.

2. Why do you think people aren't reading U.S. daily newspapers as frequently as they once did? Why is newspaper readership going up in other countries? I think that people are not reading the newspapers such as the U.S. daily because it is more convent to look on the internet and read the news. Pretty much everyone's home page such as Yahoo has news on the homepage. Also you have to pay to get the newspaper and since everyone already has the internet it is free to for people to look the news up on the internet. Another reason i believe the space issue, there is not space limit like there is in the newspaper.The readership is going up in other countries simply because the internet is not as popular in other countries as it is in America.

5. Will Blogs and other internet news services eventually replace newspapers? I think they eventually blogs and the internet news services will eventually replace newspapers. In today's newspapers they only have a certain amount of space to write about a certain subject and all subjects do not get mentioned in the newspaper, but with the internet there is no space limit and they can write how ever much they want. Also with the internet and blogs will also let people write what they have to say and allow them to view other viewpoints of different people on certain situations. With the way everything else is going electronically dependent the internet will also go that way as well.

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