Thursday, March 10, 2011

chapter 9

1. What are your earliest recollections of magazines? Which magazine do you read regularly today? Why?
My earliest recollections of magazines were the Highlight books. I used to read those magazines and they always have games that i liked to play. They also had little comic strips in there that i guess i thought was funny. The magazine that i read regularly today would have to be Sports Illustrated. The reason that i read Sports Illustrated regularly is because it has articles on the latest news in sports, and since i watch sports everyday i also like to read bout some of the news that is not on T.V. but is in the magazine.

6. Discuss whether your favorite magazines define you primarily as a consumer or as a citizen. Do you think magazines have a responsibility to educate their readers as both? What can they do to promote responsible citizenship?
My favorite magazines define me primarily as a consumer and not an citizen. The reason my magazines are primarily consumers are the magazines that i read are like Dicks Sporting Goods , Baseball Express and even Sports Illustrated sales items in their magazine. These magazines are basically sports sales and they sale different sports apparel. Sports Illustrated although it does not sale a lot of items it does give information bout items. I believe that it is up to the company whether they want to educate their readers as consumers or citizens. Magazines can print more positive stories and give examples of athletes that have had positive influence on people's lives.

7. Do you think the internet will eventually displace magazines? Why or why not?

I do think that eventually the internet will displace magazines. The internet has already taken over a lot of things like we talked about in the last chapter. The internet has already taken over a little of the newspapers by putting them on the internet. Eventually the internet will take over magazines because everyone has the internet on phone so they can look up information on their phones or if they get bored in a doctors office instead of looking at magazines people will look on their phones for the same information. I think in another five or so years everything will be on the internet just like how DVD's took over VHS for videos.

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