Thursday, April 7, 2011

chapter 11

2. Why are so many people critical of advertising? People are so critical of advertising because most of the time they advertise things that don't happen. For example the Mercedes car commercials, when they want everyone to think that the best Christmas present to give your wife would be a Mercedes car. Also in beer commercials they try and make people who drink beer look so cool, like if you drink beer you will be cool. All in all i think people have a right to be critical of advertising.

4. Should advertising aimed at children be regulated?
I believe that there is already a little regulation towards the commercials or advertisements towards children. Also i do think that parents should tell children what is right and if something is bad on T.V. aimed towards them then the parents should let the children know that it is the wrong thing to do. All in all i guess it would not hurt to regulate the childrens advertisements.

5. Should tobacco (or alcohol) advertising be prohibited? Why or Why not? How would you deal with First Amendment issues regarding controversial ads? I do not think that tobacco or alcohol should be prohibited at all. It is the choice of the person whether they want to do it or not. Even though kids might see them on T.V. it still goes back to the parents in saying that they should teach them what is right and what is wrong. I would deal with it by saying that they is a freedom of speech but do not take it to far where you would have to take legal action because of a certain problem.

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