Thursday, April 7, 2011

chapter 12

1 What do you think of when you hear the term public relations? What images come to mind? Where did these impressions come from? When i hear that term i usually think of people who just wont to start trouble. Most of the time the things that write about in their articles are not even true. The images that comes to my mind are story's that have not bit of truth or little truth to them. These impressions come from just plan reading the articles in the paper and knowing a little more about the topic than most.

2. What might a college or university do to improve public relations with homeowners on the edge of a campus who have to deal with noisy student parties and a shortage of parking spaces?
A college or university can get a special number to the security and whenever they have a problem they could simple call the number and the security could take care of it right now. Or they could even have special events for the homeowners on the weekends so that they can get out of the house when parties are going on. Since the parties most of the time are late i think the number to campus security would be your best bet.

4.Can and should they often hostile relationship between the journalism and PR professions be mended? I do not think that journalism and PR can be mended. The reason i believe this is because journalism tells both sides of the story, negative or positive. When it comes to PR they only tell one side of the story and usually it is the side that has the most interest or that will get the most gossip. They have conflicts because the journalism can sometimes look bad or draw conflict from the other side by giving a bad report on them, as for PR since they only tell the one side and they spin it to where both sides are happy about the story.

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