Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chapter 4

1. The earliest i can remember listening to the radio is when my mom would take me to elementary school in the mornings. As soon as i got into the car in the mornings the first thing i would do is turn on the radio. Which fifteen years later that is still the first thing i mess with when i get in my car. Once again my favorite song when i was little was achy breaky heart. I was about seven when i was listening to achy breaky heart. The station calls letters i believe were WKKT. The reason why i listened to this station was it was always on when i got into the car. I never really knew any other station when i was little besides country stations.

3. If i could own and manage a commercial radio station i would choose to pile up the commercials in the middle of the day. I would not want to play a lot of commercials in the morning because when people are riding to work the last thing they want to hear is a bunch of commercials. Also when they are coming home from work they would not want to hear commercials. By me playing the commercials during the day i would still have enough sponsorship money to run the station. Since a lot of people normally don't listen to radio during the day that is the best time to play the commercials. Also by me playing music instead of commercials when most people listen to the radio it will keep them listening to the station more often therefore ratings go up.

5. The radio can be used to improve social and political discussions in the U.S in many ways. First it can help get out information on national radios such as NPR. When elections are going on they can use the NPR to let the citizens know what certain politicians plan on doing. It improve with social discussions by also getting out different information such as amber alerts. It can help with catching criminals whether it is saying what kind of car they are driving or where they have been last seen. Lastly it can help with social discussions by giving citizens warnings if bad weather is coming. It would also be helpful to know if you were near a tornado if your in a car that you wouldn't know otherwise. Radio is a very helpful way to get information from place to place when your not near a T.V or a computer.

Chapter 3

1. When i was little my favorite singer was Billy Ray Cyrus.I first started listening to his music because of my parents and family. My family are big country fans so that is a big reason I'm a big fan also. When i started listening to Billy Ray Cyrus i was about seven or so. My favorite song that he sang was Achy Breaky Heart. Because i was so little when i listened to him i don't think there was anything important about the music i just listened to it because the rest of my family and the people i was around listened to it.

2. If i ran a noncommercial campus radio station the music that i would play would be the music that was most popular at that point in time. I would ask the students before i got it up and running what exactly they like to listen to, and for them to give me feed back on what they thought of the station. The music i would play would be Temporary Christan, Country, Rap, Alternative and a little bit of oldies. Since it is a noncommercial radio station i would probably try to do some fund raising event to get money to get caught up on the modern technology.

6. I believe that most of the global popularity of rock music depends on exactly what kind of rock music we are talking about. It depends on if its the beetles rock or Marylin Manson rock. Although most rock i believe is a negative cultural influence. The rock music talks a lot about drugs and depending on who you see sometimes they do drugs while putting on the concert. For example Mostly Crue talks about smoking in the boy's room as one of their songs. Kids might get the wrong impression which is smoking is the cool thing to do. The only pros i can see in rock is being free. They teach you to do your own thing and not follow what everyone else. Another con is that a lot of rock is dated back as earlier as the beetles and it is still being played today. The cons are they sing about drugs and cuss a lot.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Chapter 2

1. My first encounter with the internet was very helpful in many ways. It was in middle school when i had to do a research project. I know longer had to go to the downtown library and read out of books. My mom was there to help me look up the information on the internet. It was a lot easier to find information by typing information in a search engine than flipping pages through a book. It was a lot faster and i believe a lot easier than me trying to find the information from a book or magazine.

2. The possibilities of the futures Internet that i am most excited about are, how easy they will make information on subjects to find, what you will be able to watch such as certain sporting events and movies. You can already watch some sporting events for free but not all of them. Some sites want you to fill out a survey or buy a package so you can watch it. Also like the sporting events you can watch some movies but most movie sites want you to buy packages as well. The possibilities that are most troubling is what will people be able to find out on other people. There are already some programs that are on the Internet that if you buy you can find out where people live and how old they are and even their job salary's. Also if there will be a way in the future for them to get into your computer where they can actually see what you are doing at the point in time. Like anything else where there are good uses for the Internet there will be bad uses that comes along with it.

4.I do believe that virtual communities are genuine communities. Virtual communities are informational systems in how people communicate with each other in the virtual world. With genuine and virtual communities meaning they both share the same interests, it help people meet new people on the internet or even help bring people together. It is also a way for people to talk about there problems. If someone is shy in person it will help them talk to people because they will be behind a computer instead of talking them face to face. In today's world the most common virtual community is Facebook. It helps people keep in touch with old friends or meet new friends with the same interest, even if they are on the other side of the world.

chapter 1

1. When i was younger the show that i used to watch was Wrestling. As i grew older i grew away from it because i realized it was all acting an none of it was real. Even though a lot of shows are all acting wrestling just got ridiculous. The older i got wrestling changed, you could tell that it wasn't real. It started becoming more of a show than actual wrestling.I do not think that wrestling had any influence or impact on shaping my identity. Although my friends an I use to do the wrestling moves on each other we all knew that it was fake. I also had my parents to tell me what was right and when they were doing wrong, for example cussing and do all their inappropriate jesters. I believe that you should let your morals impact your identity never any T.V shows or performer.

3. A popular media product that i believe is harmful to children is violent video games. There are many violent video games out there such as Grand Theft Auto, Call of duty and Manhunt. I believe that you don't really have to make it know, i think that its already know you just have to know how to stop it. With most people that are put in jail for killing someone they have came in contact with some kind of violent video game. In Grand Theft Auto you kill people, cuss a lot, steal from people and you can even pick up prostitutes. Some young kids might think that this is cool and actually make it a reality. The product should defiantly be removed although it is not the main cause of kids violent actions it certainly does not help, and the games do not serve a good purpose at all. Even though the games have a rating on them younger kids will still find ways to get them. A way to band the product is simply just don't let the violent games go into the market. Stop stores from purchasing the games and you could monitor the internet for people trying to load the games on the internet, and when you catch them fine them.

5.In the United states we are fortunate to be able to have all of the technology that we have. For traditional and native cultures it is very harmful for them not to have that luxury. By them not having the modern technology such as the internet, they will be further and further behind the world in everything such as natural disasters and the economy in general. If a natural disaster is near them it will take along time to get to them an warn them, even then it might be to late. Also the economy, they will be the last to know what there own government or leaders are doing that could harm or benefit them. Also by not having a form of email it takes them a lot longer to deliver messages. All of these ways can have a big effect on the native or traditional cultures that are not caught up on the basic form of technology such as email, phones and the internet.