Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chapter 4

1. The earliest i can remember listening to the radio is when my mom would take me to elementary school in the mornings. As soon as i got into the car in the mornings the first thing i would do is turn on the radio. Which fifteen years later that is still the first thing i mess with when i get in my car. Once again my favorite song when i was little was achy breaky heart. I was about seven when i was listening to achy breaky heart. The station calls letters i believe were WKKT. The reason why i listened to this station was it was always on when i got into the car. I never really knew any other station when i was little besides country stations.

3. If i could own and manage a commercial radio station i would choose to pile up the commercials in the middle of the day. I would not want to play a lot of commercials in the morning because when people are riding to work the last thing they want to hear is a bunch of commercials. Also when they are coming home from work they would not want to hear commercials. By me playing the commercials during the day i would still have enough sponsorship money to run the station. Since a lot of people normally don't listen to radio during the day that is the best time to play the commercials. Also by me playing music instead of commercials when most people listen to the radio it will keep them listening to the station more often therefore ratings go up.

5. The radio can be used to improve social and political discussions in the U.S in many ways. First it can help get out information on national radios such as NPR. When elections are going on they can use the NPR to let the citizens know what certain politicians plan on doing. It improve with social discussions by also getting out different information such as amber alerts. It can help with catching criminals whether it is saying what kind of car they are driving or where they have been last seen. Lastly it can help with social discussions by giving citizens warnings if bad weather is coming. It would also be helpful to know if you were near a tornado if your in a car that you wouldn't know otherwise. Radio is a very helpful way to get information from place to place when your not near a T.V or a computer.

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