Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chapter 3

1. When i was little my favorite singer was Billy Ray Cyrus.I first started listening to his music because of my parents and family. My family are big country fans so that is a big reason I'm a big fan also. When i started listening to Billy Ray Cyrus i was about seven or so. My favorite song that he sang was Achy Breaky Heart. Because i was so little when i listened to him i don't think there was anything important about the music i just listened to it because the rest of my family and the people i was around listened to it.

2. If i ran a noncommercial campus radio station the music that i would play would be the music that was most popular at that point in time. I would ask the students before i got it up and running what exactly they like to listen to, and for them to give me feed back on what they thought of the station. The music i would play would be Temporary Christan, Country, Rap, Alternative and a little bit of oldies. Since it is a noncommercial radio station i would probably try to do some fund raising event to get money to get caught up on the modern technology.

6. I believe that most of the global popularity of rock music depends on exactly what kind of rock music we are talking about. It depends on if its the beetles rock or Marylin Manson rock. Although most rock i believe is a negative cultural influence. The rock music talks a lot about drugs and depending on who you see sometimes they do drugs while putting on the concert. For example Mostly Crue talks about smoking in the boy's room as one of their songs. Kids might get the wrong impression which is smoking is the cool thing to do. The only pros i can see in rock is being free. They teach you to do your own thing and not follow what everyone else. Another con is that a lot of rock is dated back as earlier as the beetles and it is still being played today. The cons are they sing about drugs and cuss a lot.

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