Thursday, January 20, 2011

chapter 1

1. When i was younger the show that i used to watch was Wrestling. As i grew older i grew away from it because i realized it was all acting an none of it was real. Even though a lot of shows are all acting wrestling just got ridiculous. The older i got wrestling changed, you could tell that it wasn't real. It started becoming more of a show than actual wrestling.I do not think that wrestling had any influence or impact on shaping my identity. Although my friends an I use to do the wrestling moves on each other we all knew that it was fake. I also had my parents to tell me what was right and when they were doing wrong, for example cussing and do all their inappropriate jesters. I believe that you should let your morals impact your identity never any T.V shows or performer.

3. A popular media product that i believe is harmful to children is violent video games. There are many violent video games out there such as Grand Theft Auto, Call of duty and Manhunt. I believe that you don't really have to make it know, i think that its already know you just have to know how to stop it. With most people that are put in jail for killing someone they have came in contact with some kind of violent video game. In Grand Theft Auto you kill people, cuss a lot, steal from people and you can even pick up prostitutes. Some young kids might think that this is cool and actually make it a reality. The product should defiantly be removed although it is not the main cause of kids violent actions it certainly does not help, and the games do not serve a good purpose at all. Even though the games have a rating on them younger kids will still find ways to get them. A way to band the product is simply just don't let the violent games go into the market. Stop stores from purchasing the games and you could monitor the internet for people trying to load the games on the internet, and when you catch them fine them.

5.In the United states we are fortunate to be able to have all of the technology that we have. For traditional and native cultures it is very harmful for them not to have that luxury. By them not having the modern technology such as the internet, they will be further and further behind the world in everything such as natural disasters and the economy in general. If a natural disaster is near them it will take along time to get to them an warn them, even then it might be to late. Also the economy, they will be the last to know what there own government or leaders are doing that could harm or benefit them. Also by not having a form of email it takes them a lot longer to deliver messages. All of these ways can have a big effect on the native or traditional cultures that are not caught up on the basic form of technology such as email, phones and the internet.

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